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Privacy Policy

Acall Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") has established a personal information protection policy as described below and has constructed mechanisms for the protection of personal information, regarding the handling of personal information on Acall (hereinafter referred to as "Services"). By enforcing initiatives and instilling recognition of the importance of protecting personal information among all employees, the Company promotes the protection of personal information.

Management of Personal Information

In order to keep customers' personal information accurate and up to date, and in order to prevent unauthorized access, loss, damage, falsification, leakage, etc. involving personal information, the Company enacts necessary measures including those for the maintenance of security systems, the improvement of management structures, and the thorough education of employees. The Company further implements safety measures and engages in strict management of personal information.

Purpose of the Use of Personal Information

The Company uses personal information obtained from customers for the purpose of sending messages and business information from the Company, as well as e-mail messages and materials in response to questions.

Applications provided by the Service (API, web application, iOS/Android applications, Add-in for Outlook, Google Chrome extension, applications for various chat-services or calendar-services) do not use and store user information that is unnecessary for providing functions. User information needed to provide functions and stored in our applications is covered by this privacy policy and handled safely.

Prohibition of the Disclosure and Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Company properly manages personal information obtained from customers and does not disclose personal information to any third party, unless any of the following cases applies.

  • The customer has provided consent
  • Information is disclosed to business operators to which the Company has outsourced work for the purpose of performing services requested by the customer
  • Disclosure is required by law or ordinance

Safety Measures for Personal Information

In order to secure the accuracy and safety of personal information, the Company enacts measures to ensure security.

Inquiries by Individuals

In the event that a customer wishes to inquire about, modify, or delete his or her own personal information, the Company will confirm the identity of the customer and respond to the request.

Use of Cookies and Other Technologies

We use cookies on our website to measure and improve site performances and analyze customer access trends to provide better service. Cookies are small data (text files) stored in the browser and recorded on the customer's computer.

You can choose "Allow all cookies," "Reject all cookies," or "Notify when cookies are received" for settings related to sending and receiving cookies. These settings vary depending on the browser; please refer to your browser's "Help" menu for information on cookie-related settings.

Please note if you reject all cookies, you may not be able to use services that require authentication, or you may be restricted from using various services on the Internet.

Compliance with Laws and Standards, and Review

The Company complies with laws, ordinances, and other standards of Japan that apply to personal information in the Company's possession. The Company will review and make efforts to improve the content of this personal information policy as necessary.

Please contact the below for inquiries concerning the Company's handling of personal information.

Acall Inc.

56, Naniwamachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo, 650-8660, Japan / e-mail: contact@acall.inc

© 2024 Acall Inc.