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Acall Desktop

Desktop application

Work and status sharing

Revitalize your team wherever you are
Supporting self-management

Install on your PC for instant experience

Sharing time and place to work

Share where you work with your team by checking in at the spot when you begin working. Spots will be checked in semi-automatically by guessing from the past check-in status by linking of the network. Also, by entering your working hours, it will be easier to grasp your working time even in the case of a flextime system or staggered commuting.

Check-in status dashboard
You can see a list of workers working per location on the Acall Portal dashboard that can be viewed on a web browser.
Sharing working situations
Visualize the real-time situation by displaying statuses such as "at work" and "on break" during work. The meeting name is displayed during a meeting, and calendar linkage enables more seamless integration.
Gathering workers' voices
By collecting feedback on the working environment and conditions, we can help ensure results and psychological safety that are difficult to see remotely.
Authentication Number: ISA IS 0170 (Headquarters only)
© 2024 Acall Inc.