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Office DX with Acall

Reception &
Access Control

Automation reduces troublesome handover

Automate the flow of visitor management and access control

Acall Reception on Acall eliminates the troublesome task of managing appointments and intermediary work by automating visitor management on iPads.
Organizations can build menu contents and authentication/notification flows by integrating various external services.

Intuitive UI
Detailed log records
Consistent with visitor appointments and meeting room reservations

Authentication Method for Guests

A single iPad can complete the verification process for visitors.
Direct notifications are available even without authentication.

Scheduled visitors
Appointment Code
The iPad (Acall Reception) reads the QR code sent to guests before the visit. Not only guest information but also appointment time, meeting room, and person in charge will be automatically recorded.
Temporary pass
Temporary passes with a QR code that a guest can use repeatedly are useful for those who enter the building for a certain period of a project or construction work. The reception will be completed by just scanning the QR code.
Visitors without appointments
Visitor Information Input
Guests without appointments can enter their company name and their name on an iPad.

Notification & Call

The person in charge will receive a visitor notification via chat tools, extension phone, FaceTime, etc.
Reminder and CC notifications prevent visitors from waiting too long.

Watch a video of the reception flow with each tool
Slack integration image

Chat tool

  • Slack
  • Chatwork
  • Google Hangouts Chat
  • Microsoft Teams


  • FaceTime
  • Cloud extension phone
    • Dialpad
    • BIZTEL
    • SmartCloud® Phone
    • VoiceConnect



Examples of Actions After Receiving Notifications

Various actions can be combined depending on the operation pattern.

Response Function

Your selected response to the visitor notification which will be received via some chat tool will be displayed on an iPad (Acall Reception) at the reception. The response message from the notification can be set by patterns.

Entrance Passes

By integrating a label printer, an entrance pass can be printed after guest authentication. There is no need to keep records at the reception since the appointment information will be taken over.

Gate Integration

You can open the connected security gates from Acall Reception. Acall records the logs of unlocking gates.

Customize for the best visitor experience

You can customize Acall Reception menu settings and design on the screen.

Authentication Number: ISA IS 0170 (Headquarters only)
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